mandag 5. mars 2012

Frozen images in my head

Sometimes I feel my life is like this adventurous adult movie. So many lovely encounters with so many exciting people, it makes me feel somewhat special, for letting me be a part of it all.
Experiencing many "surrealistic" things through my sexual adventures, there's some scenes that freezes like snapshots in my head.

For instance: Lying on my back, my head at the bed's outer side, me with my mouth wide open, and him fucking my mouth slowly and cautiosly. Then, as I  open my eyes, my head bent slightly over the edge, I look into the mirror on the wardrobe mirror directly across. His legs, his arse, my look of innocence and surrender and curiosity. SEEING yourself, not just experiencing, that was actually a turn-on for me. Ok, so I laughed a bit, but I didn't close my eyes. I looked into my own eyes, while enclosing his penis...

There's another picture too, with myself in it only indirectly. It's a beautiful girl, having just fingerfucked me, then she unconsciously, without thinking about it sucks her fingers clean, one by one, looking like a very pleased cat, for some reason. Without a trace of pretence, of doing this to please others. Just because she likes the taste. And for the purpose of having cleaner fingers.

And another one
Ok, so my breasts are pretty big. I like them. They look nice, they feel nice, the nipples are ok too. But it's so fun to see (when you're a slut like me, and hey, that rhymed), almost the same look of ... nearly worship, on different faces, having just ducked down between them, and looking up. I know I sound like a complete love-my-self for mentioning it. But it's the word I would choose. The worship-word. I'm talking 4 different faces here, having given me almost identical expressions of gleefullness. I like boobs too. But does size matter THAT much?

And my fourth picture... that's not a picture. Although I was very definitely standing on all fours on a bench recieving some warm-up flogging on a naked ass. And He was fingering me when he felt like it. No, the fourth image isn't about the visuals. It's about the noises. The very private, spontaneous bedroom noises, now in a sort of public setting. For all attendants of the party to see, but more specifically to hear. Sometimes I think sounds are more intimate than visions. Ok, adult move star sure looks nice when she's opening her mouth wider and wider while he/she/they/it makes it good for her. But that's not gonna do anything for me unless I hear some genuin moaning. Also, that's what, in my opinion, separates good realistic porn from cheesy fake porn with lots of screaming and tossing around... But that's another story, I think ;)
Anyyway, fourth picture/audio: My own, without a volume-control noises. Of surprise, pleasure and pure joy.

That's my 4 pictures.
Framed and signed
Yours Truly, Kinkykitty